Monday, April 27, 2009

Hello Everybody,

This past week my wife and I had a blast working with a great group of teens who were headed for their prom. Sravya, was the young amazing girl who called me a couple of weeks ago and simply liked my work and had asked if I could be the photographer for their big day. I did not hesitate at all in saying of course, I'll be there. My wife and I were amazed at the energy that these guys have. They were truly a joy to work with. Here are some pictures my wife and I took.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hello Everybody,
This weekend I had the privilege of taking photographs of not only a good friend of mine but also my barber. Carlos Vazquez, is a young man who simply has an amazing talent in what he does. Carlos, plans to open his own salon very soon. Please support my great friend and visit is site at

Here is DelSol's Vision:
DelSol is a salon led by men and women of God. DelSol is a Spanish name, and if translated in English it means "The Sun". For us this holds a double meaning; we refer to it as "The Son." Specifically "The Son of God." This is the vision for DelSol: To present a ministry to the world in which stylists speak into the lives of men and women. God has called us out to be leaders and to serve him in everything that we do. Seek him and nothing else.God is never late, and he will show a new way.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hello Everyone,

Tonight my wife and I were hanging out with our great friends. Here to the Left is (my wife Lymarie, Zory, Lourdes and Big Herm) and we had a blast. I always leave with a headache lolol. I love you guys!

Hello Everybody,

Tonight we had a get together at our close friends Zory & German's house. These two guys are my buddies Christian & Logan. The funny thing is that we did not plan this, but I love when moments like this happen because the guys like when I touch up my pictures. These guys are truly a blessing and I pray that they become the men God has called them to be. Love you guys!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to share with everyone a couple more pictures of my Goddaughter Joilianne. My wife and I just love our baby girl and are so proud to be apart of her life. One thing we already learned about this bundle of joy is that when she is hungry, she will sound the alarm. This little one is amazing!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hello Everyone,
This weekend my wife and I went to Tampa, FL. to spend some time with our best friends. Saturday morning we decided to go to Bush Gardens and we had a blast. Here are some pictures from this weekend.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello Everyone,

Today is my good friend Noe Chaparro Jr's Birthday. Noe, may this day be full of God's precious gifts for you and your wife. I Love you man and you know your my little brother. Happy Birthday!